Friday 5 August 2011

Peppers; foods you don't like but still eat

I seem to eat alot of peppers now.  It used to be that the only pepper you could get, or that I saw, anyway, was green.  In some European places, the pale yellow more elongated ones seem to be the norm mostly still.

[I haven't branched out alot into the smaller and hotter peppers used in places such as Asia and Mexico and the Caribbean, but I do certainly try them when they show up around me, for sure.  I'll keep experimenting with anything new that comes along.  I used scotch bonnets and jalapenos when pickling, for example.]

Peppers were always costly.  Now these stoplight peppers, red, orange, and yellow, often seem fairly cheap.  Now I never get/buy/use the hated green peppers of my youth, though I'd like to.  I guess hydroponic growing, or whatever, has made peppers really cheap to create.  But somehow not the greens, which now must be very downmarket according to consumer trends.

I only eat peppers b/c I think they are good for you (the darker the vegetable. . .); I do not actually like them.  There is no food about which I am more totally neutral than peppers (capsicum), and I would never consume them voluntarily.  But I just cook with them and eat them b/c I know they are supposed to be good for you, and I imagine they must be.  Better than fries, for example.

My wonderings would be, have you any comments on peppers--at all, and do you yourself have any other foods that you eat regularly, but really don't like very much.  I'm not talking something like oatmeal here.  We all have eaten that, and it's totally bland.  I'm just wondering if there are any foods out there that you regularly consume despite the fact that, on the whole, you just don't really like them that much?  I eat alot of peppers.  They're cheaper now than in my youth, and widespread, and you do have to love the colour, but to say I like them?  --no.

I don't know what other foods I eat but don't necessarily like to eat--mangoes, maybe, but that would have to be a fruit blog.  The slithery texture is odd and the piney scent is too much, but the colour and fruity sweetness is there, and just to hold them in your hand says: "I'm healthy!"  So I do buy them, and eat them, but I don't love them.

Ok then,

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