Friday 5 August 2011 George Noory advocates stopping foreign aid

Well, that's what he did just the other night, good ol' George.  George, of Arab descent himself but hosting a tea-party wacko show in the U.S., has to portray himself as a kind of avuncular "I'm on your side" kind of fatherly presence.  Putting on his best fake-plaintive voice, he wondered why the U.S. was spending so much to help out other countries when the U.S. itself faced such dire fiscal circumstances (never would've occurred to George that the corrupt U.S. banking system had led the charge towards kneecapping the world economy--maybe George was just pissed off that *he* didn't get the bankers' deal).  Of course, the U.S., in terms of western "democracies" (a club the U.S. joined quite a while after MLK was gunned down, making it just about the most recent "democracy" on the planet), is one of the tiniest givers of foreign aid in the developed world.  Most European and Scandinavian countries dwarf the U.S. in terms of humanitarian aid completely.  Hilariously, George's guest, an _astrologer_, either just didn't take the bait or was utterly clued out as she hastily scanned her computer (when you listen to this show, you can almost hear the clicking as the hosts and guests feverishly click through their computers trying to find defensive answers to calls that have been, nevertheless, pre-screened, the call delay times--but you can only pre-screen so much). The slow gaps, the references to breaks--anyone who has worked in radio can see the seams gaping on shows such as this. George's guest actually responded about how much the U.S. was spending on Afghanistan, say, and how much it was costing the poor U.S. to try to help those stupid Afghans.  Erp.  You can't even pre-screen your guests these days, even in a democracy!


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